Sunday 9 May 2010

Australian Federal Election 2010: linguistically it's a bad, bad thing

Finally Opposition Leader Tony Abbott appears to have let go (at least temporarily) of that phrase "great big new tax".
But don't vent a sigh of relief just yet because he's discovered the adjective "bad" under his bed.
BAD bad Bad bad b-a-d BAD bad.............times about one trillion.
There's a very, very bad tax, bad things, bad news, a really bad result, bad bosses, fathers & husbands, a bad lot, a bad plan, a very bad situation, and a just for a change a few adverbs based on degrees of badness.
I'd like to suggest that he throw in the odd "criminal", "corrupt", "depraved", "dangerous", "evil", "rotten", "sinful", "villainous", or wicked" to leaven the loaf, but I'm worried about letting him loose further into the alphabet.

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